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Category: Automotive Services

What’s That Squeak?

Different noises coming from your vehicle can mean different things. It is important to pay attention to these noises to determine if something is wrong and get it checked out. A common noise that vehicles make is squeaking or squealing. Let’s dive in to what a squeaky car might be telling you. Serpentine belt – […]

What to Look for When Buying a Used Car – Part 2

Please read Part 1 of this blog series for an introduction and more information on considerations when looking at used cars. Here are some more tips to apply while you’re shopping around: Check the color of transmission fluid: Normal transmission fluid color is bright red. If it’s dark or black, you are probably looking at […]

What to Look for When Buying a Used Car – Part 1

We posted a blog recently with tips for buying the perfect car for you. These tips include making a financially wise decision for your situation, considering your driving habits, looking for options that are comfortable and safe, deciding on your wants vs needs, and taking time to research the model you’re looking at. This blog […]

11 Important Items to Keep in Your Vehicle

Being a safe driver means you pay attention to the road, follow traffic laws, keep your vehicle maintained and running smoothly, and never drive drowsy or under the influence of drugs/alcohol. Another way to be a safe driver is to ensure you always have a few important items in your vehicle. Here are 11 things […]

Repairs That Aren’t Covered by Insurance

We often get people in the shop wondering if their car issues could be covered by insurance. For complications from a collision or incidents such as theft and fire, insurance can come to your aid. But for repairs from routine wear, mechanical breakdowns, or single-party accidents that didn’t cause property damage, insurance probably won’t help […]

How to Spot a Shady Shop

It feels good to be the person in your friend group that can confidently recommend an honest auto shop and know they’ll have a great experience. A vehicle is more than a chunk of metal, it’s the way you get yourself and your loved ones around on important travels, like work and vacations. Your vehicle […]

Safe Driving Practices in the Snow

Whether you know how to handle your vehicle in the snow or not, it’s always beneficial to refresh yourself on driving safely in snowy conditions. Sometimes lack of experience is problematic, but other times overconfidence is the culprit. Here are some great winter driving tips from Car and Driver Drive smoothly: Gentle movements, gradual acceleration […]

Maintenance for Electric Vehicles

The electric vehicle market skyrocketed in the last few years in Utah. In June earlier this year, the Salt Lake Tribune wrote an article on the vehicle boom saying Utahns are adding more vehicles than people right now. Their article reported: “According to Utah Division of Motor Vehicle statistics, registrations for electric vehicles are up 560% […]

Cool Car Facts

The auto industry has its fair share of incredible stories. The first automobile was invented in Germany in the 1800s, but America quickly dominated the industry in the beginning of the twentieth century. In the 1920s, the auto industry was the backbone of consumer society across the country, and in the early 1980s, one out […]

Overheated Car? Here’s What to Do

Nothing ruins a road trip like your car overheating in an unknown place. Not only is an overheated engine inconvenient, it’s also scary and potentially dangerous. Engines overheat for a variety of reasons, such as a cooling system leak or malfunction preventing heat from escaping the engine compartment, a broken radiator fan or water pump, […]