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Author: Transmission City & Automotive Specialists

Overheated Car? Here’s What to Do

Nothing ruins a road trip like your car overheating in an unknown place. Not only is an overheated engine inconvenient, it’s also scary and potentially dangerous. Engines overheat for a variety of reasons, such as a cooling system leak or malfunction preventing heat from escaping the engine compartment, a broken radiator fan or water pump, […]

Cars and Summer Heat

When you plan to spend the day outside in the summer heat, you probably take a few minutes to get prepared with water, sunscreen, a hat or umbrella, or other items to protect you from the sun. Well, your car needs some TLC in the summer too, because it doesn’t particularly love the effects of […]

What’s That Smell?

You may get an odd whiff from time to time while in your car, and it’s not always the fast-food bag you left in the back seat. It’s a good idea to pay attention to new or consistent smells coming from your car. Here are five smells to pay attention to and get remedied before […]

Get Ready for Road Trip Season

The kids are almost out of school for the summer and it’s a great time to get thinking of a few road trips. Whether you’re planning to travel the entire continent or staying in our beautiful state of Utah, being prepared will make your trip more enjoyable. Before you get out there, take some time […]

Potholes Wreak Havoc on Vehicles

Utah roads have a lot of potholes, but our state is not in top 10 in the US with the worst potholes. According to Google ranks, the worst states for potholes are New York at 10, then Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Illinois, Massachusetts, Ohio, Nebraska, Michigan, Indiana, and Washington at number one. Potholes can wreak havoc on […]

Five Reasons to Bring Your Car in for Oil Changes

A basic oil change is generally not a difficult task, so you may wonder why you would pay someone to do that for you. While many times it can be a straightforward process, sometimes it’s not and complications arise. There are several great reasons to bring your car into us for oil changes. Changing your […]

Deferred Car Maintenance Can Lead to a Crash

When you think of common reasons for car accidents you probably think of people driving under the influence or someone driving recklessly or at high speeds. Distractions are another big reason for car accidents, and smart phones are only adding to that problem. But did you know that deferred car maintenance can also be a […]

Take a Break and Check Your Brakes

The most important safety feature on your vehicle is your braking system. No matter how fast we want to go, we have to be able to stop reliably when we push on that brake pedal. In general, you should be getting your brakes checked about every 12,000 miles, or about every 6 months. This is […]

Your Winter Car Maintenance Checklist

You never want to be broken down on the side of the road, but winter is an especially harsh time to be stuck out in the elements. Before the snow falls, we suggest you incorporate a maintenance checklist each year to ensure you’re safe on the road. Get and emergency kit for your vehicle: this […]

The Importance of a Road Scan Diagnostic

Vehicles of the modern age have so many technical components working together. It seems many newer models are actually more computer than automobile! With the complexity behind your vehicle’s function, you need an experienced professional to check it out occasionally. Diagnostic tests are important to maintain the reliability of your vehicle, but what are these […]